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nd:yag laser treatment

at aphrodite laser skincare

What is an Nd:YAG Laser?

An Nd:YAG (Neodymium-doped Yttrium Aluminum Garnet) laser is a solid state laser capable of producing a near-infrared wavelength that penetrates deep into the skin. Nd:YAG lasers emit a highly concentrated beam of light that is absorbed by the skin. By creating a variable long pulse duration and an appropriate spot size, it is possible to significantly heat deep skin tissues, such as large blood vessels and vascular lesions. The Nd:YAG laser can be used to address a wide variety of skin concerns. It is effective for laser hair removal, treatment of spider veins and pigmentation, and skin rejuvenation.

Benefits of Nd:YAG Laser

There are several advantages and benefits to choosing the Nd:YAG including:

  • Treat a variety of complexion issues, from wrinkles and brown spots to unwanted hair
  • Non-invasive treatments that does not require incisions or injections
  • Minimal downtime allowing patients to resume their normal activities quickly
  • Target specific areas of the skin with precision
  • Can be used safely on a wide range of skin types, including darker skin tones.

How does the Nd:YAG Laser work?

Nd:YAG is a non-ablative laser, which means that there is no break in skin tissue continuity during the treatment. When the laser energy is delivered to the targeted area, it penetrates the skin and directly treats the skin concern. Treatment with the Nd:YAG laser typically requires several sessions to achieve your desired results. Sessions are typically scheduled 4 weeks apart. Some common uses of Nd:YAG lasers include:

  • Laser Hair Removal: Impairs hair follicles preventing them from growing hair, effectively removing hair on a variety of skin types, including darker skin tones.
  • Tattoo Removal: Breaks down tattoo ink particles for removal.
  • Vascular Lesions: Stimulates the removal of unwanted pigmentation & discoloration improving vascular lesions, such as spider veins and port wine stains.
  • Skin Rejuvenation: Boosts collagen production to smooth out fine lines and wrinkles improving skin tone and texture.
At Aphrodite Laser Skincare, we utilize Nd:YAG lasers for a variety of applications. To learn more about how we can help you rejuvenate your skin and eliminate unwanted hair with Nd:YAG laser treatment, contact us today!

What to Expect

Pre-Treatment Consultation

  • Avoid sun exposure (apply sunscreen daily and do not tan at all – including self-tanner) for 4 to 6 weeks before and after treatments.
  • Do not use any retinol products (or products containing tretinoin) or exfoliants on the area to be treated for one week. Avoid Accutane (or isotretinoin products) for 6 months prior. Let your doctor know if you have a history of hyperpigmentation.
  • If you have a history of fever blisters, notify your provider prior to treatment. We will write you a prescription for a prophylactic antiviral therapy to start on the day of the treatment to prevent a flare up of cold sores. If you have a current prescription, Valtrex 500mg should be taken by mouth twice daily on the day before, the day of, and the day after your treatment.
  • You must notify our providers if you have had any cosmetic tattooing on or near the area to be treated.
  • Photosensitizing medications including doxycycline and minocycline should be discontinued three days prior to the treatment.

Your Appointment

We will begin by cleaning the treatment area. Your Nurse will then dry your skin and place protective goggles over your eyes. Once you feel ready, we will begin the treatment. You may feel a little discomfort throughout the treatment, but this is temporary. Post treatment a post procedure lotion will be applied to help to calm the treatment area and enhance results.


It may feel like you have a sunburn for 4-6 hours after you’re finished. Ice packs or a cool washcloth can help you feel better. Your skin may be red or bruised for a day or two. While you heal:

  • Don’t put on makeup if your skin hurts.
  • Use moisturizing lotion.
  • Protect yourself with sunscreen. Make sure it has an SPF of at least 30 and a physical blocker like zinc. Re-apply it every 2 hours, even if it’s not sunny outside.
  • Wash your face with cleanser for sensitive skin.



Treatment with the Nd:YAG laser typically requires several sessions to achieve your desired results. Sessions are typically scheduled 4 weeks apart.


One of our trained clinicians will go over your medical history to make sure you are a candidate. Patients who aren’t candidates for the IPL treatment are patients who have melasma. IPL can make melasma worse. Our clinician will provide another alternative such as medical grade chemical peels and medical grade skincare products. Additional contradictions include:

  • Pregnant or Breastfeeding
  • Bacterial or viral infection
  • Uncontrolled diabetes
  • Impaired immune system and poor healing
  • Accutane within the past 12 months
  • Scleroderma, Vitiligo, Melanoma, Irregular Pigmentation, Psoriasis
  • Extensive radiation therapy
  • History of cancer within past 5 years


Treatment time will depend on numbing time. Typically, patients numb for 30 minutes and then the IPL treatment will be 30 minutes after numbing. So plan o being with us for at least 1 hour.


There is no social downtime, but your skin may be pink to red with coffee-ground marks for about 5 to 10 days. You can usually cover this up with make-up. We recommend no special events 2-3 weeks after the procedure to allow the skin to heal completely. We recommend a medical grade healing ointment, which you can pick up in office during your appointment. Majority of patients will experience micro- crusting, which we call “coffee grounds” that flake off over the course of a week.


Risks include:
• Redness or swelling of the skin. A slight “sunburned” sensation is normal and usually lasts up to several hours.
• Sun sensitivity in the treated area. Avoid the sun and use sun block with at least a 30 SPF.
• Skin sensitivity, the skin may be more sensitive for a few days following treatment, and you should avoid shaving, rubbing, or scratching for the first 24 hours. Avoid facial scrubs for at least 48 hours.

Experience the divine, natural beauty & healing wellness that you deserve!


Schedule an appointment or consultation with one of our aesthetic experts! We’d be happy to chat about your skincare concerns and recommend a treatment plan tailored just for you. Call our office at (949) 547-8242 or use the button below to book your next appointment with our online scheduling system.

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