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Laser vein reduction

at aphrodite laser skincare

Laser Vein Reduction with Nordlys

Whether the result of pregnancy, hormones, genetics, or age itself, varicose and smaller spider veins can cause your legs to look old even if they are toned. Our leg veins contain special one-way valves to assist with proper circulation. However, increased pressure on the body from prolonged standing and walking can cause these valves to fail in susceptible individuals, which leads to the enlarged vessels that we know as varicose and spider veins. They seldom cause pain, but their looks alone can be a reason for treatment.

With no downtime, no surgery and no anesthetics required, Nordlys vein removal is the most convenient, comfortable and quick way to remove unwanted spider and varicose veins. 

  • Minimally Invasive
  • Little to no downtime
  • Quick Treatment
  • Immediate improvement
  • Long lasting results
  • Few Side Effects

What is Nordlys Vein Reduction Therapy?

Nordlys is an advanced medical technology used for vein reduction. It utilizes a combination of intense pulsed light (IPL) and Nd:YAG laser to target and treat unwanted veins, such as spider veins and varicose veins, on the skin’s surface. The IPL component emits powerful bursts of light, which are absorbed by the blood within the veins, causing coagulation and eventual breakdown of the vessels. The Nd:YAG laser targets deeper, larger veins, effectively closing them off. The procedure is non-invasive, generally well-tolerated, and requires little to no downtime. Nordlys technology offers a safe and effective solution for those seeking to reduce the appearance of visible veins, improving the overall aesthetic of the skin.

Benefits of Laser Vein Treatment

  • Nordlys workstation allows for treatment of large skin areas
  • There are NO needles, drugs or toxic chemicals used with Nordlys vein therapy.
  • Faster procedure than many other vein therapies.
  • Little to no down time with vein therapy
  • Minimal complications or side effects
  • Results are long lasting and aesthetically pleasing
  • Laser treatment is less painful & less traumatic to the surrounding skin compared to sclerotherapy
  • Can be used on the face, legs and other parts of the body. 
  • Immediate results

What to Expect

Pre-Treatment Consultation

  • Do NOT tan, sunbathe, use spray on or self-tanners for two weeks prior to your appointment.
  • Limit exercise or activity that generates body heat for 4 hours prior to the procedure.
  • Do NOT wax legs prior to Spider Vein therapy. You should shave legs two to three days before treatment.
  • You must NOT have had any injectables (sclerotherapy) within 30 days of treatment.
  • It is best to avoid using skin products the day of your appointment and come with a clean face free of lotions or make-up.
  • Discuss any medications with your medical provider prior to treatment.

Your Appointment

The day of your appointment please come with clean skin, free of any lotions. Your medical provider will provide you with the option to numb the area and will then provide you with eye protection for the procedure. The laser is aimed at an affected vein and the laser light goes through the skin to treat the vein. You won’t have any cuts, but the heat from the laser may cause some discomfort.

A treatment session typically takes 20 to 30 minutes. Usually more than one laser session is needed for optimal results. You provider will discuss the time frame in which they would like to see you back.


  • Use a SPF 30+ full spectrum Sun Block
  • Avoid excessive heat for 24 hours such as saunas, steam rooms, hot tubs.
  • Avoid working out for at least 24 hours post procedure.
  • Avoid exfoliation and waxing for one week following Spider Vein therapy.
  • DO NOT take aspirin or aspirin combinations 48 hours post treatment.
  • Apply ice packs if area becomes warm or uncomfortable.
  • Sit with legs elevated as much as possible to help reduce swelling.
  • Avoid crossing legs as this puts pressure on the veins.



Some clients describe the sensation as a mild snapping or prickly feeling. Nordlys technology features an advanced comfort system that monitors your skin temperature and keeps it at a soothing cool temperature during the procedure. Treatment with Nordlys is easy! There is no surgery, no sedation, and no downtime. Depending on the area being treated most procedures take approximately 20- 30 minutes.

What can I expect from Nordlys treatments?

Nordlys can improve unsightly leg veins and other unwanted vascular lesions. Spider veins and larger blue-green vessels on legs will gradually fade and can be treated until patient satisfaction has been reached. Facial spider veins can also be treated.


Most patients will require between 1-4 treatments. Some vessels may require more than 4 treatment sessions. We usually space the treatment sessions about 6-8 weeks apart. Smaller spider veins may be treated every 4 weeks. Your clinician will inform you during your consultation.


Each treatment session typically takes between 20-45 minutes depending on the size of the area being treated. If numbing is required plan on spending 1 hour at our clinic.

Who should be treated with the Nordlys?

Anyone with unwanted leg veins or vascular lesions may be a candidate for treatment with Nordlys. Removal of vascular lesions and veins with Nordlys technology (laser and radio frequency) is a safe and effective alternative for patients who want a non-invasive approach to vascular treatment. Nordlys is the clear choice for patients who do not like needles or who have had adverse reaction to solutions that are injected into the vein during Sclerotherapy. Your clinician will determine individual suitability for laser vein treatment during the consultation.


ANY medical aesthetic laser procedure has risk of side effects such as superficial blistering, crusting, and pigmentary changes in the skin. These risks are rare and usually quickly resolved. Nordlys incorporates several technological advances that focus on patient safety to minimize these risks and provide greater satisfaction. The laser hand piece is also cooled for skin protection and comfort during the procedure.


Conditions that may exclude you from Nordlys treatment for spider vein therapy include pregnancy, pacemakers, cardiac irregularities, active infection, or a history of herpes in the treatment area, raised moles or suspicious skin lesions, keloid scarring, tattoos in the area to be treated, diabetes, epilepsy, implants in the treatment area, and acne treated with Accutane within the last six months.

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